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FBOs consortium secures timely $15,591 input loan

Like in many places of Tanzania, most farmer groups in Momba district were not registered resulting into limited access to different opportunities from the public and private stakeholders. The groups were neither recognised by the…

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G2L narrows gap between paddy farmers and capital

G2L (Co. Ltd.) is a Tanzanian cereals, oilseed and pulses processing and trading company with a strong supply chain network that includes more than 13,185 paddy, legumes, maize and sunflower smallholder farmers, farmers’ associations, local Agro-dealers, distributors, and dry commodity traders.…

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Musoma enterprise wins orders in regional market

The Competitive African Rice Initiative in East Africa (CARI-EA) project aims at enabling locally-produced rice in East Africa to competitively substitute the over US dollars 300 million worth of rice currently being imported into the…

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Rusizi mayor praises AGRAfunded project’s outcome

The Regional East Africa Community Trade in Staples Project- Phase II (REACTS-II), was a 3 years’ flagship regional project (April 2018-March 2021) implemented by Kilimo Trust in Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya with funding from the Alliance for a…

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IKEA Foundation learning event fosters innovation

In the last three days, the KT team led by CEO Dr Birungi Korutaro, Anthony Mugambi, and Andrew Cheboi participated in the IKEA Foundation learning event themed Better Together – Agricultural Livelihoods Sessions Spring 2021…

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