Year: February 2017 – September 2021
Country/Area: Uganda and Kenya
Client: Heifer International and the MasterCard Foundation
Kilimo Trust was one of the Service Providers for EAYIP and was charged with undertaking market studies for value chains development in Tanzania and Uganda. In addition to this role, Kilimo Trust served as the policy advisor for Uganda and worked with ESRF in Tanzania to conduct policy analysis and disseminate the policy findings established.
- 2 Commodity scoping study reports – Tanzania and Uganda.
- 5 Value chain reports published and disseminated to 540 stakeholders. These were later simplified into posters and translated.
- Tanzania: Maize, potatoes and poultry value chains.
- Uganda: Maize and poultry value chains.
- 1 policy report and 3 policy briefs published and disseminated to 200 stakeholders in Uganda.
- 1 youth policy advocacy tool kit and training manual developed.
- Presentation of the policy report and three simplified policy briefs to Parliamentarians, NGOs and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).
- CSO mapping report that identified potential CSOs to work with EAYIP project on youth advocacy.
- Trained 10 CSOs and 15 Heifer International staff in EAYIP target districts on youth advocacy.