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Competitive African Rice Initiative -Phase II

Year: July 2018 – June 2021

Country/Area: Tanzania

Client: German Agency for International Cooperation GIZ /The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ


The Competitive African Rice Initiative (CARI) Phase II was a 3-year (July 2018 – June 2021) project implemented in Tanzania and funded by the German Government through GIZ. The project in its 2nd phase was building on Phase I which ended in June 2018.

In its 2nd phase CARI II aimed to; (i) promote inclusive business models among the value chain actors; (ii) encourage knowledge exchange through Multi Actor Partnerships (MAP); (iii) improve access to financial services for VC actors; and (iv) improved policy environment for private sector actors


  1. 6 business consortia integrate large processors and 22,935 smallholder farmers operationalized to supply quality paddy.
  2. 27,179 MT of paddy supplied to off-takers by contracted farmers.
  3. US$ 868,402 accessed by value chain actors (off-takers and 6,649 farmers) from financial institutions, mainly for input financing and working capital for produce procurement.
  4. Policy study and 2 policy briefs developed on rice national and regional trade in Tanzania.
  5. KT was part of task force that reviewed and drafted the Tanzania National Rice Development Strategy 2019 – 2029.
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