For two decades, Kilimo Trust has been transforming agriculture in East Africa, fostering economic opportunities, and promoting sustainability. Our journey has been shaped by strong partnerships and a shared vision for a food-secure, prosperous region.
As we mark this milestone, we celebrate the communities and individuals who have contributed to our success and look ahead to an even brighter future. Thank you for being part of our story—here’s to 20 more years of growth and impact!

Our Mission
To make agribusiness a transformative tool for wealth creation, food and nutrition security for smallholder farmers and other value chain actors.

Who we are
We are a not-for-profit organization working on agriculture for development across the East Africa community – in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda.
Kilimo Trust is a go-to implementing partner for inclusive and sustainable market-led agricultural value chain development in the region

Our target is to directly impact 1.4 million smallholder farmers over a period of five years (2023-2028).
Our Values





Value for Money
From its establishment in 2005 to the present day, Kilimo Trust has been able to impact several smallholder farmers over 500,000 directly and 1,200,000 indirectly and other value chain actors in the agribusiness sector through its interventions across the East African region.
Smallholder farmers
have benefited from interventions
Metric tonnes traded
Commodities worth $284 million traded through structured trade
Business linkages
Across the regional agribusiness value chain have been established