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SAGCOT Integrated Knowledge and Information for Agriculture (SIKIA) project.

Year: October 2016 –June 2020

Country/Area: Tanzania

Client: Netherlands Space office (NSO) through TechForce Innovations



SIKIA was a 3 years project that employed latest technology to provide reliable information to rice farmers in Tanzania (SAGCOT area) for increased production and productivity. The project was implemented in partnership with TechForce Innovations B.V, Netherlands; Milan Innovincy B.V., Netherlands; Kadaster International, Netherlands and Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).

SIKIA involved delivery of actionable information services, acquired from satellite geodata (e.g. environmental, crop status and plot boundaries), augmented by more detailed data acquisition under the clouds (multispectral agronomic information) and web-based information. Project information services included weather information, Agribusiness support, plot specific crop advice and SAGCOT database.

Project achievements

What was achieved.

  1. 25,394 farmers were registered in the SAF system and receiving weather information services via their mobile phones (SMS).
  2. 38,154 farmers trained on farmer business school (FBS), good agricultural practices (GAPs) and good post-harvest handling practices (GPHHPs).
  3. 1,304MT of paddy was sold collectively to MW millers in Morogoro from 19,323 farmers.
  4. 3,347 farmers accessed improved inputs.
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